Moving Tips For People With Disabilities

Moving Tips For People With Disabilities

Nov 07, 2023 Preparing for a house move is complicated because it involves a lot of mental and physical stress. From de-cluttering household belongings to packing large furniture, you have to manage everything within a given timeframe. However, the level of complexity increases for people with disabilities. People with dexterity problems may face difficulty packing even small household items, while those with mobility issues may find obstacles in lifting heavy boxes. Of course, hiring cheap removalists Brisbane can help with all the physical tasks of home relocation, but you need to coordinate the entire process without any chaos. Fortunately, below are some tips and tricks that will help people with disabilities relocate to their new place with ease. Keep reading the following guide and stay optimistic throughout your moving journey. Let’s Get Started!

1. Plan Your Home Relocation in Advance

Timing plays a pivotal role when it comes to relocating a home, especially for people living with disabilities. It is good to choose the right time of the year for your move. Avoid moving during the holiday season or on weekends due to rush hours, heavy traffic and other complexities. Take enough time to search for the most suitable moving companies in your local area and plan everything accordingly.

2. Get Help For De-cluttering Your Home

Make sure you ask for voluntarily help from your family and friends to de-clutter your home. People with mobility issues usually need assistance to move around. Let your family help you in sorting household items so that you can decide what to keep and what to toss. Take one room at a time and make a pile of items into three categories:
  • Keep
  • Donate
  • Toss
Having an extra hand can make things easy when preparing for a house move.

3. Hire An Experienced Moving Company

Whether you have dexterity issues or visual impairment, make sure you hire a full-service removalists Brisbane for a seamless experience. They will come to your place, pack your household belongings, dismantle large pieces, and safely transit them. This means you don’t need to worry about packing your kitchen or lifting bulky boxes. However, it is good to do proper research, ask for genuine recommendations and compare quotes before making the final decision. Make sure the company has experience in moving people with disabilities to give you peace of mind. Note: Tell them about your mobility issues or any other challenges. This will help them plan the relocation as per the specific requirements.

4. Address Accessibility & Safety Features in Your New Home

This is one of the crucial tips to help you relocate safely to your new home. Make sure you do a thorough assessment to determine whether a new house is safe for you. This step is as important as researching a new location before buying a house. You can have someone else who can do it for you.  Check how easy it is to access doors, ramps, hallway width, countertop height, etc, so that you can make modifications according to your specific needs. If you are moving into a rental property in Queensland, discuss your specific safety requirements with your landlord and let him know what needs to be changed for easy accessibility. Note: Ensure loose cables and cords are out of the way, and there are no potential hazards on the floors.

5. Pack Your Essential Kit

Do not forget to pack your essential kit or an overnight bag and fill the items you will need for several days post-relocation. It is recommended to pack:
  • Clothing for a couple of days
  • Toiletries
  • First-aid box
  • Prescription medications
  • Pillow and bedsheet
  • Accessories for mobility assistance
  • Healthy snacks and water bottles

6. Know Everything About Disability Benefits in A New Area

When you have any disability, make sure you plan and know everything about the benefits and services provided by the state government. If you are moving to Brisbane, then you can leverage the following benefits:
  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme(NDIS): It is a government-funded scheme to support people with disabilities. The scheme provides funding for personal care, home modifications and assistive technology.
  • Disability Employment Services (DES): They can help you find and keep a job in Brisbane. They provide a range of services, including job training, placement and support in the office.
  • Disability Advocacy Groups: These groups provide information to people with disabilities and help them know their rights..

7. Stay Calm and Composed

Preparing for a move can be stressful, especially if you have a disability. Instead of rushing to the process, stay calm and composed. It is good to adopt an optimistic approach and focus on aspects that can make your relocation journey as smooth as possible. You can incorporate self-care into the moving process and keep yourself mentally stable for this big change. If you have a mobility issue or a visual imparity, let professional removalists Brisbane handle the process using proper equipment and techniques.

Wrapping Up

Moving with a disability can be challenging but not impossible. With the right approach, proper planning and support, you can also relocate to your new home with ease. Follow these tips and seek help from friends, family and professionals to ensure a stress-free move.