How To Move Like A Pro: Moving Tips And Checklist
Sep 27, 2021
People come across different types of changes in their life, but moving house is one of the hardest changes a person can experience. The relocation is considered so stressful because you have to carry out several tasks within a limited time.
Thus, people often get confused and make several mistakes. These mistakes can make moving even more complicated and expensive. However, you can minimise the chances of making these mistakes by planning your relocation properly. Prepare a checklist that will help you to perform all the tasks at their appropriate time.
Many people prefer to hire professional removalists in Brisbane, and it is an excellent option to carry out the task in a stress-free and hassle-free way. However, there are many more tasks that you need to include in your
moving out checklist. The list will help you to prepare for your relocation in a systematic manner, so you will be able to finish it within time. If you want to make a list, then you will need some help.
Read on to know more about moving tips and checklist that can help you to move like a pro.
2 Months before Moving
You should begin your preparations at least two months prior to your relocation. Begin your preparations by completing the tasks listed below.
Prepare a Budget: Prepare a moving budget that includes all potential costs.
Decide between DIY Move and Professionals: Decide whether you want to move yourself or require professional assistance.
Look for Professionals: Start your search for a reputable removals company in Brisbane as soon as possible.
Get rid of Excess Items: Remove all of your unwanted items by selling or donating them.
Get Moving Supplies: From boxes and packing materials to bubble wrap and blankets, everything must be organised ahead of time.
4 To 5 Weeks before Moving
It is the main stage of the process and here, you must focus on the most important responsibilities. Any delays in these tasks can lead to a lot of chaos on the day of your move.
Book Professionals: If you are done with your research and found the
best removalists in Brisbane, book them at the earliest.
Change Address: If you don’t want to receive any mails after your move, forward your request for a change of address.
Transfer your Utilities: Also forward your request to change the utility services.
Pack Your Belongings: You should start packing with the fragile items. Opt for the best packaging service in Brisbane to save time.
Inform Family and Friends: If you need your family and friends’ assistance on moving day, let them know at least one month ahead of time.
Explore New Place: If possible, take your family to the new location in Brisbane, Queensland, and explore the new surroundings.
1 To 2 Weeks before Moving
You should complete the majority of your packing and other crucial tasks by now. Also, you need to ensure that everything is proceeding according to plan.
Remind the Removals Company: Remind the Brisbane removalists about the date to avoid any last-minute confusion.
Talk to Your Children: Talk to your kids about the move and make sure they’re okay with it.
Look for Babysitter: Contact a professional to take care of the little ones as they can be a major distraction on moving day.
Pack Moving Day Essentials: Pack your essentials that must include medications, chargers, paper towels, spare clothing, and toiletries. It is one of the
things people forget to do before moving.
1 To 2 Days before Moving
When you’re only a few days away from your move, you should concentrate on finishing the packing process and getting ready for the big day.
Put Label on Boxes: After packing, label the boxes and choose a different colour for each room.
Pack Your Refrigerator: Defrost and clean your refrigerator first. Then properly pack it.
Talk to Your Neighbours: Request your neighbours to forward your mail to your new address.
Moving Day
It is the most crucial day of the relocation process. As a result, you must ensure that you get up early and attempt to complete the process without facing any difficulties.
Wake up Early: On this big day, you should get up early to get things started promptly.
Check the Entire House: Scan all the rooms properly for unpacked items and pack them.
Pack Food for the Road: Prepare sandwiches or have fruits if you don’t want to have roadside food.
Take Care of the Kids: Hire a babysitter or request your friends, family to take care of the kids until the loading is done.
Professionals Must Have the Correct Address: You don’t want the driver to have a wrong address. So, double-check that removalists have the correct address.
Take Away
Everyone finds relocation challenging and stressful, but you can make the task a lot easier and reduce the stress if you plan everything properly. So, whenever you plan to relocate, make sure you follow the moving tips and checklist mentioned above. It will help to complete your move smoothly. If you want to carry out the relocation in the best possible manner and focus on all essential aspects, contact a reputed removals company in Brisbane.